Thursday, January 31, 2013


The week of 1/22, we were asked to examine our empathetic traits, as six listed senses that leaders have are design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning. We were asked to watch a Dan Pink interview with Oprah, then to take Simon Baron-Cohen's Empathy Quotient test (click here to find your empathy quotient).

Following up on the assignment, we were asked to answer the following:
  • How empathetic are you?
  • Do you agree with the findings of the test?
  • Can you believe you can be taught empathy?
  • Please mention someone you think shows empathy, citing why you consider them to be an empathetic person; and name someone you know that is lacking in empathy, citing examples of their lack of empathy.
My Baron-Cohen Empathy Quotient is 23, on a scale from 20 (lowest) to 80 (highest). The test issues a note with this rating saying that people who score between 20 and 25 often have traits of Aspberger's Syndrome and do not socialize easily. Considering that I have one focus and don't socialize easily, I understand that I exhibit qualities of the syndrome, though I believe that I've grown out of many habits that most affected people have! I don't agree that I'm that un-empathetic, but I do agree with the aforementioned part.

I believe you can be taught to care about other people and given situations to practice this, so yes, you can be taught empathy.
To be updated...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Year's Start

The week of 1/14, we were asked to watch two videos from Gretchin Rubin and follow her suggestions. This is meant to generate a one-word New Year's Resolution and a statement calling out one of our major flaws.

The first video is called "Pick a One-Word Theme for the Year." (Click here to watch.)

My one-word resolution is "accountability." I've started out this year poorly by letting my grades slip, and I've hurt a few friends already for making promises I couldn't keep. This simply is not my personality, and I know I'm better than what I've been showing. So, to all of the people I've let down, I apologize and am determined to focus on improving this flaw so that everything can flow smoothly once again!

The second video is called "Whom do I envy? What do I lie about?" (Click here to watch.)

I've got an interesting combination of traits: a combination that very few people alive have. I've got a combination of an interest in railroading and the ability to steadfastly keep to my goals. Since a young age, trains have fascinated me. I mean, what other machine can pull literally millions of pounds of freight at interstate-highway speeds? Because of this, I've always envied railroad workers. But I've been able to combine this envy with my ability to focus on my goals and have made becoming a railroader one of my utmost goals, which will allow me to reach the point I want to be at and even go beyond! I lie to myself about hating school. I truly don't hate school, nor do I hate the work I have to do for it. I've always enjoyed school when I've been properly challenged, and no matter how much work I have to do, I normally get it done. Going back to the previous clip, I realize that I need to be accountable to myself to become what I desire, so it's inspiring to think about what the IB Programme has made me capable of and to do it. I know I can and will succeed, but I can't just breeze through everything and expect to gain what's best for me!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

HMP Project - The Start

For our first assignment of 2013, we are beginning our culminating Honors Mentorship project that concludes the program. While we are still five months from the end of school, it's time to begin the process. Our assignment is to draft a preliminary proposal answering "I need and want to know this", "What is your current essential question?", "How do you envision using technology to best showcase your project?", and "What will you do for your 'real inquiry'?" REMEMBER that this is NOT set in stone: it is simply the preliminary thought process for this project.

For my final project, I need and want to know what must be determined to find the best location for a new rail line or an expansion of an existing one. My essential question is, "How is an area of land evaluated in order to develop a beneficial railroad line?" and has not changed since my original draft.As technology use grows and technology becomes more publicly available, I will be able to use USGS topographic imaging software to visually determine rail line location. For my real inquiry (my research process that leads to a conclusion), I plan to first analyze where a new rail line could be used, then I will look at USGS and TIGER topographic data (shows terrain changes and road/railroad/river placement) to determine the best layout of the rail line. I will then hypothesize the water table of the area, then to maintain it, I will look at where I will move dirt for fills and where I will put dirt from cuts. Finally, I'll conclude based on the benefits of the rail line, the land changes, and the effects my changes would have on the people in the area.