Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Year's Start

The week of 1/14, we were asked to watch two videos from Gretchin Rubin and follow her suggestions. This is meant to generate a one-word New Year's Resolution and a statement calling out one of our major flaws.

The first video is called "Pick a One-Word Theme for the Year." (Click here to watch.)

My one-word resolution is "accountability." I've started out this year poorly by letting my grades slip, and I've hurt a few friends already for making promises I couldn't keep. This simply is not my personality, and I know I'm better than what I've been showing. So, to all of the people I've let down, I apologize and am determined to focus on improving this flaw so that everything can flow smoothly once again!

The second video is called "Whom do I envy? What do I lie about?" (Click here to watch.)

I've got an interesting combination of traits: a combination that very few people alive have. I've got a combination of an interest in railroading and the ability to steadfastly keep to my goals. Since a young age, trains have fascinated me. I mean, what other machine can pull literally millions of pounds of freight at interstate-highway speeds? Because of this, I've always envied railroad workers. But I've been able to combine this envy with my ability to focus on my goals and have made becoming a railroader one of my utmost goals, which will allow me to reach the point I want to be at and even go beyond! I lie to myself about hating school. I truly don't hate school, nor do I hate the work I have to do for it. I've always enjoyed school when I've been properly challenged, and no matter how much work I have to do, I normally get it done. Going back to the previous clip, I realize that I need to be accountable to myself to become what I desire, so it's inspiring to think about what the IB Programme has made me capable of and to do it. I know I can and will succeed, but I can't just breeze through everything and expect to gain what's best for me!

1 comment:

  1. We all get behind from time to time. Don't let it paralyze you and just keep on keeping on!
